About Us

Grace Church is a community of believers who live by the grace of God. Grace is God’s one-way love lavished on us in Jesus Christ, and it is our purpose to express that same one-way love back to Him in worship, fellowship, and outreach.

We are a small church that is growing in Wichita, and would love for you and your family to be on this journey with us. Small churches tend to get a bad reputation, but all churches start somewhere. If you are in need of a church family, look no further, the support and love from our body is one that can only come from the Lord. We would love to have families that may have talents and gifts that could mesh well with our church body!

Our mission is to bring the gospel to those within our community. We are non denomination, but strive to reform the way others see church. This is a place where Christ is first and we are last, this is a place where scripture is our answer, no matter the situation, and this is a place where Christ is at work.

We meet to worship together each Sunday morning starting at 9:30 am for Sunday School, followed by our main service at 10:30 am. We meet at 1855 S. Rock Road, Suite 143, Wichita, KS 67207.

Pictured below are our pastors and their wives. Pastor Louis Walthers (on the right) is our teaching pastor, he has taught for 25+ years faithfully, wherever the Lord has planted him. His teaching is doctrinally sound and very applicable to our daily lives. If you haven’t heard his teaching yet, make sure to check out our sermons tab! His wife Cindy is our children’s Sunday school teacher and is gifted with supporting Pastor Walthers and helping with numerous things throughout the church. On the left is Pastor Larry Beck, he is our adult Sunday school teacher and is also gifted with discipleship throughout the church. His wife Julie is a great support and also helps run a young adult ministry at their home. All of our leaders and teachers throughout the church have a love for The Word and a hunger to reach the lost.
